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Gaillon - Aubevoye to Munster Badischhof train times
Sunday, January 5, 202514:43 | Gaillon - Aubevoye | 7 h 11 11 stops 3 changes TER13140 9219 TER96240 TER831582 | 7 h 11 | 3 changes 11 stops | TER13140 9219 TER96240 TER831582 | TER13140 | SNCF TER |
14:53 | Vernon - Giverny | ||||||
15:00 | Bonnières | ||||||
15:06 | Rosny-sur-Seine | ||||||
15:13 | Mantes-la-Jolie | ||||||
15:48 | Paris Saint-Lazare | ||||||
16:22 | Paris Gare de Lyon | 9219 | SNCF TGV | ||||
18:41 | Belfort - Montbéliard TGV | ||||||
19:03 | Mulhouse | ||||||
19:46 | Mulhouse | TER96240 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:04 | Colmar | ||||||
21:32 | Colmar | TER831582 | SNCF TER | ||||
21:38 | Logelbach | ||||||
21:43 | Turckheim | ||||||
21:49 | Wihr-au-Val - Soultzbach | ||||||
21:54 | Munster Badischhof |
Travel time
Travel time between Gaillon - Aubevoye and Munster Badischhof is 4h52