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Hirson to Sedan train times
Friday, December 13, 202415:01 | Hirson | 2 h 24 5 stops 1 change Bus33405 TER839777 | 2 h 24 | 1 change 5 stops | Bus33405 TER839777 | Bus33405 | SNCF TER |
16:01 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
17:00 | Charleville-Mézières | TER839777 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:08 | Lumes | ||||||
17:13 | Nouvion-sur-Meuse | ||||||
17:17 | Vrigne-Meuse | ||||||
17:20 | Donchery | ||||||
17:25 | Sedan |
15:55 | Hirson | 4 h 00 14 stops 2 changes Bus38364 TER839271 TER839759 | 4 h 00 | 2 changes 14 stops | Bus38364 TER839271 TER839759 | Bus38364 | SNCF TER |
17:07 | Laon | ||||||
17:34 | Laon | TER839271 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:43 | Coucy-lès-Eppes | ||||||
17:49 | Saint-Erme | ||||||
17:59 | Guignicourt | ||||||
18:04 | Aguilcourt - Variscourt | ||||||
18:20 | Reims | ||||||
18:30 | Reims | TER839759 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:40 | Bazancourt | ||||||
18:53 | Rethel | ||||||
18:59 | Amagne - Lucquy | ||||||
19:30 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
19:38 | Lumes | ||||||
19:43 | Nouvion-sur-Meuse | ||||||
19:47 | Vrigne-Meuse | ||||||
19:50 | Donchery | ||||||
19:55 | Sedan |
18:53 | Hirson | 1 h 42 1 stop 1 change TER841917 TGV2751 | 1 h 42 | 1 change 1 stop | TER841917 TGV2751 | TER841917 | SNCF TER |
19:35 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
20:20 | Charleville-Mézières | TGV2751 | SNCF TGV | ||||
20:35 | Sedan |
19:39 | Hirson | 12 h 16 6 stops 1 change Bus33407 TER839703 | 12 h 16 | 1 change 6 stops | Bus33407 TER839703 | Bus33407 | SNCF TER |
20:39 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
07:30 | Charleville-Mézières | TER839703 | SNCF TER | ||||
07:34 | Mohon | ||||||
07:38 | Lumes | ||||||
07:43 | Nouvion-sur-Meuse | ||||||
07:47 | Vrigne-Meuse | ||||||
07:50 | Donchery | ||||||
07:55 | Sedan |
09:14 +1d | Hirson | 1 h 36 3 stops 1 change Bus33409 TER839717 | 1 h 36 | 1 change 3 stops | Bus33409 TER839717 | Bus33409 | SNCF TER |
10:14 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
10:30 +1d | Charleville-Mézières | TER839717 | SNCF TER | ||||
10:40 | Nouvion-sur-Meuse | ||||||
10:45 | Donchery | ||||||
10:50 | Sedan |
14:22 +1d | Hirson | 1 h 28 3 stops 1 change TER841927 TER839743 | 1 h 28 | 1 change 3 stops | TER841927 TER839743 | TER841927 | SNCF TER |
15:00 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
15:30 +1d | Charleville-Mézières | TER839743 | SNCF TER | ||||
15:40 | Nouvion-sur-Meuse | ||||||
15:45 | Donchery | ||||||
15:50 | Sedan |
18:29 +1d | Hirson | 2 h 21 3 stops 1 change Bus33411 TER839765 | 2 h 21 | 1 change 3 stops | Bus33411 TER839765 | Bus33411 | SNCF TER |
19:29 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
20:30 +1d | Charleville-Mézières | TER839765 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:40 | Nouvion-sur-Meuse | ||||||
20:46 | Donchery | ||||||
20:50 | Sedan |
Travel time
Travel time between Hirson and Sedan is 1h21