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Labouheyre to Évreux Normandie train times
Sunday, December 15, 202411:27 | Labouheyre | 6 h 07 5 stops 2 changes TER866606 TGV12268 TER3383 | 6 h 07 | 2 changes 5 stops | TER866606 TGV12268 TER3383 | TER866606 | SNCF TER |
11:35 | Ychoux | ||||||
11:53 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
12:11 | Pessac | ||||||
12:17 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
12:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV12268 | SNCF TGV | ||||
14:49 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
16:28 | Paris Saint-Lazare | TER3383 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:34 | Évreux Normandie |
13:27 | Labouheyre | 6 h 05 6 stops 2 changes TER866608 TGV12260 TER3387 | 6 h 05 | 2 changes 6 stops | TER866608 TGV12260 TER3387 | TER866608 | SNCF TER |
13:36 | Ychoux | ||||||
13:54 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
14:11 | Pessac | ||||||
14:17 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
14:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV12260 | SNCF TGV | ||||
15:23 | Angoulême | ||||||
17:09 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
18:28 | Paris Saint-Lazare | TER3387 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:32 | Évreux Normandie |
13:34 | Labouheyre | 6 h 55 5 stops 3 changes TER866611 TER866410 Ouigo7672 TER3355 | 6 h 55 | 3 changes 5 stops | TER866611 TER866410 Ouigo7672 TER3355 | TER866611 | SNCF TER |
13:45 | Morcenx | ||||||
15:48 | Morcenx | TER866410 | SNCF TER | ||||
16:20 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
16:37 | Pessac | ||||||
16:43 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
16:53 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | Ouigo7672 | SNCF OUIGO | ||||
18:57 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
19:28 | Paris Saint-Lazare | TER3355 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:29 | Évreux Normandie |
16:26 | Labouheyre | 5 h 03 5 stops 2 changes TER866612 TGV12266 TER3393 | 5 h 03 | 2 changes 5 stops | TER866612 TGV12266 TER3393 | TER866612 | SNCF TER |
16:34 | Ychoux | ||||||
16:52 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
17:10 | Pessac | ||||||
17:16 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
17:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV12266 | SNCF TGV | ||||
19:49 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
20:28 | Paris Saint-Lazare | TER3393 | SNCF TER | ||||
21:29 | Évreux Normandie |
17:16 | Labouheyre | 6 h 14 5 stops 2 changes TER867215 TGV8584 TER | 6 h 14 | 2 changes 5 stops | TER867215 TGV8584 TER | TER867215 | SNCF TER |
17:24 | Ychoux | ||||||
17:43 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
17:59 | Pessac | ||||||
18:05 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
19:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV8584 | SNCF TGV | ||||
21:50 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
22:30 | Paris Saint Lazare | TER | |||||
23:30 | Évreux Normandie |
17:16 | Labouheyre | 6 h 14 6 stops 2 changes TER866414 TGV8544 TER3361 | 6 h 14 | 2 changes 6 stops | TER866414 TGV8544 TER3361 | TER866414 | SNCF TER |
17:24 | Ychoux | ||||||
17:43 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
17:59 | Pessac | ||||||
18:05 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
18:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV8544 | SNCF TGV | ||||
20:45 | Massy TGV | ||||||
20:54 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
22:30 | Paris Saint-Lazare | TER3361 | SNCF TER | ||||
23:30 | Évreux Normandie |
18:22 | Labouheyre | 7 h 28 5 stops 2 changes TER866624 TGV8516 TER3301 | 7 h 28 | 2 changes 5 stops | TER866624 TGV8516 TER3301 | TER866624 | SNCF TER |
18:31 | Ychoux | ||||||
18:50 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
19:11 | Pessac | ||||||
19:17 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
19:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV8516 | SNCF TGV | ||||
21:50 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
00:32 | Paris Saint-Lazare | TER3301 | SNCF TER | ||||
01:50 | Évreux Normandie |
Travel time
Travel time between Labouheyre and Évreux Normandie is 4h33