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Labouheyre to Luçon train times
Sunday, January 19, 202511:27 | Labouheyre | 5 h 39 8 stops 1 change TER866606 Intercités3856 | 5 h 39 | 1 change 8 stops | TER866606 Intercités3856 | TER866606 | SNCF TER |
11:35 | Ychoux | ||||||
11:53 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
12:11 | Pessac | ||||||
12:17 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
14:03 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | Intercités3856 | SNCF | ||||
14:50 | Jonzac | ||||||
15:34 | Saintes | ||||||
16:03 | Rochefort | ||||||
16:27 | La Rochelle | ||||||
17:06 | Luçon |
13:27 | Labouheyre | 7 h 40 8 stops 1 change TER866608 Intercités3858 | 7 h 40 | 1 change 8 stops | TER866608 Intercités3858 | TER866608 | SNCF TER |
13:36 | Ychoux | ||||||
13:54 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
14:11 | Pessac | ||||||
14:17 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
18:06 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | Intercités3858 | SNCF | ||||
18:52 | Jonzac | ||||||
19:36 | Saintes | ||||||
20:05 | Rochefort | ||||||
20:28 | La Rochelle | ||||||
21:07 | Luçon |
16:26 | Labouheyre | 14 h 11 8 stops 4 changes TER866612 TGV8450 TGV8393 Bus97490 Bus97382 | 14 h 11 | 4 changes 8 stops | TER866612 TGV8450 TGV8393 Bus97490 Bus97382 | TER866612 | SNCF TER |
16:34 | Ychoux | ||||||
16:52 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
17:10 | Pessac | ||||||
17:16 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
18:26 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV8450 | SNCF TGV | ||||
19:08 | Angoulême | ||||||
19:56 | Poitiers | ||||||
20:58 | Poitiers | TGV8393 | SNCF TGV | ||||
21:40 | Niort | ||||||
21:55 | Niort | Bus97490 | SNCF TER | ||||
22:38 | Fontenay-le-Comte PEMU | ||||||
06:00 | Fontenay-le-Comte PEMU | Bus97382 | SNCF TER | ||||
06:37 | Luçon |
17:16 | Labouheyre | 14 h 49 13 stops 4 changes TER866414 TGV8476 TGV5358 TER858853 Bus97383 | 14 h 49 | 4 changes 13 stops | TER866414 TGV8476 TGV5358 TER858853 Bus97383 | TER866414 | SNCF TER |
17:24 | Ychoux | ||||||
17:43 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
17:59 | Pessac | ||||||
18:05 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
19:38 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV8476 | SNCF TGV | ||||
20:23 | Angoulême | ||||||
21:30 | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | ||||||
21:35 | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | TGV5358 | SNCF TGV | ||||
22:08 | Saumur | ||||||
22:33 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
23:11 | Nantes | ||||||
06:01 | Nantes | TER858853 | SNCF TER | ||||
06:17 | Clisson | ||||||
06:32 | L'Herbergement - Les Brouzils | ||||||
06:42 | Belleville-Vendée | ||||||
06:50 | La Roche-sur-Yon | ||||||
07:22 | La Roche-sur-Yon | Bus97383 | SNCF TER | ||||
08:05 | Luçon |
17:16 | Labouheyre | 15 h 30 9 stops 3 changes TER867215 TGV8544 TGV8827 Intercités3831 | 15 h 30 | 3 changes 9 stops | TER867215 TGV8544 TGV8827 Intercités3831 | TER867215 | SNCF TER |
17:24 | Ychoux | ||||||
17:43 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
17:59 | Pessac | ||||||
18:05 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
18:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV8544 | SNCF TGV | ||||
20:51 | Massy TGV | ||||||
21:00 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
21:52 | Paris Montparnasse | TGV8827 | SNCF TGV | ||||
23:17 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
23:54 | Nantes | ||||||
07:43 | Nantes | Intercités3831 | SNCF | ||||
08:24 | La Roche-sur-Yon | ||||||
08:46 | Luçon |
18:22 | Labouheyre | 14 h 38 17 stops 4 changes TER866624 TER864816 TGV8370 Bus97468 Bus97386 | 14 h 38 | 4 changes 17 stops | TER866624 TER864816 TGV8370 Bus97468 Bus97386 | TER866624 | SNCF TER |
18:31 | Ychoux | ||||||
18:50 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
19:11 | Pessac | ||||||
19:17 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
19:56 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER864816 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:01 | Cenon | ||||||
20:15 | Saint-André-de-Cubzac | ||||||
20:27 | Saint-Mariens - Saint-Yzan | ||||||
20:37 | Montendre | ||||||
20:53 | Jonzac | ||||||
21:15 | Pons | ||||||
21:40 | Saintes | ||||||
22:08 | Rochefort | ||||||
22:21 | Châtelaillon | ||||||
22:30 | La Rochelle | ||||||
05:39 | La Rochelle | TGV8370 | SNCF TGV | ||||
06:00 | Surgères | ||||||
06:18 | Niort | ||||||
06:58 | Niort | Bus97468 | SNCF TER | ||||
07:43 | Fontenay-le-Comte PEMU | ||||||
08:18 | Fontenay-le-Comte PEMU | Bus97386 | SNCF TER | ||||
09:00 | Luçon |
18:37 | Labouheyre | 16 h 21 8 stops 2 changes TER866629 TER866418 Intercités3852 | 16 h 21 | 2 changes 8 stops | TER866629 TER866418 Intercités3852 | TER866629 | SNCF TER |
18:48 | Morcenx | ||||||
19:29 | Morcenx | TER866418 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:01 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
20:17 | Pessac | ||||||
20:23 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
07:54 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | Intercités3852 | SNCF | ||||
08:41 | Jonzac | ||||||
09:25 | Saintes | ||||||
09:55 | Rochefort | ||||||
10:19 | La Rochelle | ||||||
10:58 | Luçon |
20:27 | Labouheyre | 14 h 31 8 stops 1 change TER866618 Intercités3852 | 14 h 31 | 1 change 8 stops | TER866618 Intercités3852 | TER866618 | SNCF TER |
20:36 | Ychoux | ||||||
20:55 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
21:12 | Pessac | ||||||
21:18 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
07:54 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | Intercités3852 | SNCF | ||||
08:41 | Jonzac | ||||||
09:25 | Saintes | ||||||
09:55 | Rochefort | ||||||
10:19 | La Rochelle | ||||||
10:58 | Luçon |
Monday, January 20, 2025
05:56 | Labouheyre | 5 h 02 7 stops 1 change TER866600 Intercités3852 | 5 h 02 | 1 change 7 stops | TER866600 Intercités3852 | TER866600 | SNCF TER |
06:05 | Ychoux | ||||||
06:40 | Pessac | ||||||
06:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
07:54 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | Intercités3852 | SNCF | ||||
08:41 | Jonzac | ||||||
09:25 | Saintes | ||||||
09:55 | Rochefort | ||||||
10:19 | La Rochelle | ||||||
10:58 | Luçon |
06:40 | Labouheyre | 6 h 10 8 stops 1 change TER866400 Intercités3854 | 6 h 10 | 1 change 8 stops | TER866400 Intercités3854 | TER866400 | SNCF TER |
06:48 | Ychoux | ||||||
07:06 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
07:27 | Pessac | ||||||
07:33 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
09:47 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | Intercités3854 | SNCF | ||||
10:33 | Jonzac | ||||||
11:17 | Saintes | ||||||
11:47 | Rochefort | ||||||
12:10 | La Rochelle | ||||||
12:50 | Luçon |
07:23 | Labouheyre | 9 h 42 10 stops 3 changes TER867108 TGV5440 TGV5486 Intercités3835 | 9 h 42 | 3 changes 10 stops | TER867108 TGV5440 TGV5486 Intercités3835 | TER867108 | SNCF TER |
07:31 | Ychoux | ||||||
07:49 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
08:09 | Pessac | ||||||
08:15 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
08:52 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV5440 | SNCF TGV | ||||
09:35 | Angoulême | ||||||
10:19 | Poitiers | ||||||
10:52 | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | ||||||
11:36 | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | TGV5486 | SNCF TGV | ||||
12:39 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
13:19 | Nantes | ||||||
15:59 | Nantes | Intercités3835 | SNCF | ||||
16:42 | La Roche-sur-Yon | ||||||
17:05 | Luçon |
07:48 | Labouheyre | 10 h 14 15 stops 4 changes TER866462 TGV8486 TER863455 Bus97474 Bus97396 | 10 h 14 | 4 changes 15 stops | TER866462 TGV8486 TER863455 Bus97474 Bus97396 | TER866462 | SNCF TER |
07:56 | Ychoux | ||||||
08:14 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
08:32 | Pessac | ||||||
08:38 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
10:15 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV8486 | SNCF TGV | ||||
10:42 | Libourne | ||||||
11:26 | Angoulême | ||||||
12:08 | Poitiers | ||||||
12:47 | Poitiers | TER863455 | SNCF TER | ||||
13:03 | Lusignan | ||||||
13:08 | Rouillé | ||||||
13:14 | Pamproux | ||||||
13:21 | La Mothe-Saint-Héray | ||||||
13:28 | Saint-Maixent-L'École | ||||||
13:36 | La Crèche | ||||||
13:44 | Niort | ||||||
14:52 | Niort | Bus97474 | SNCF TER | ||||
15:37 | Fontenay-le-Comte PEMU | ||||||
17:20 | Fontenay-le-Comte PEMU | Bus97396 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:02 | Luçon |
08:26 | Labouheyre | 9 h 58 12 stops 4 changes TER866602 TGV8530 TGV8921 TER858897 Bus97393 | 9 h 58 | 4 changes 12 stops | TER866602 TGV8530 TGV8921 TER858897 Bus97393 | TER866602 | SNCF TER |
08:35 | Ychoux | ||||||
08:53 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
09:09 | Pessac | ||||||
09:16 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
09:46 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV8530 | SNCF TGV | ||||
11:55 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
12:52 | Paris Montparnasse | TGV8921 | SNCF TGV | ||||
14:17 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
14:54 | Nantes | ||||||
15:35 | Nantes | TER858897 | SNCF TER | ||||
15:52 | Clisson | ||||||
16:00 | Montaigu | ||||||
16:08 | L'Herbergement - Les Brouzils | ||||||
16:17 | Belleville-Vendée | ||||||
16:25 | La Roche-sur-Yon | ||||||
17:35 | La Roche-sur-Yon | Bus97393 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:24 | Luçon |
11:27 | Labouheyre | 7 h 31 8 stops 3 changes TER866606 Ouigo7656 TGV8811 Intercités3837 | 7 h 31 | 3 changes 8 stops | TER866606 Ouigo7656 TGV8811 Intercités3837 | TER866606 | SNCF TER |
11:35 | Ychoux | ||||||
11:53 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
12:11 | Pessac | ||||||
12:17 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
12:24 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | Ouigo7656 | SNCF OUIGO | ||||
14:37 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
14:52 | Paris Montparnasse | TGV8811 | SNCF TGV | ||||
16:16 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
16:53 | Nantes | ||||||
17:55 | Nantes | Intercités3837 | SNCF | ||||
18:36 | La Roche-sur-Yon | ||||||
18:58 | Luçon |
13:27 | Labouheyre | 6 h 38 21 stops 4 changes TER866608 TER864212 TER864764 Bus97530 Bus97398 | 6 h 38 | 4 changes 21 stops | TER866608 TER864212 TER864764 Bus97530 Bus97398 | TER866608 | SNCF TER |
13:36 | Ychoux | ||||||
13:54 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
14:11 | Pessac | ||||||
14:17 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
14:55 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER864212 | SNCF TER | ||||
15:00 | Cenon | ||||||
15:14 | Saint-André-de-Cubzac | ||||||
15:25 | Saint-Mariens - Saint-Yzan | ||||||
15:36 | Montendre | ||||||
15:52 | Jonzac | ||||||
16:14 | Pons | ||||||
16:37 | Saintes | ||||||
16:48 | Saintes | TER864764 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:00 | Saint-Savinien | ||||||
17:08 | Bords | ||||||
17:16 | Tonnay-Charente | ||||||
17:22 | Rochefort | ||||||
17:29 | Saint-Laurent-de-la-Prée - Fouras | ||||||
17:38 | Châtelaillon | ||||||
17:42 | Angoulins sur Mer | ||||||
17:46 | Aytré Plage | ||||||
17:49 | La Rochelle | ||||||
18:00 | La Rochelle | Bus97530 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:15 | Fontenay-le-Comte PEMU | ||||||
19:25 | Fontenay-le-Comte PEMU | Bus97398 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:05 | Luçon |
Travel time
Travel time between Labouheyre and Luçon is 4h18