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La Gauterie to Avord train times
Monday, January 6, 202508:06 | La Gauterie | 8 h 03 7 stops 2 changes Bus40850 TER861246 TER860840 | 8 h 03 | 2 changes 7 stops | Bus40850 TER861246 TER860840 | Bus40850 | SNCF TER |
08:15 | Valençay | ||||||
11:09 | Valençay | TER861246 | SNCF TER | ||||
11:23 | Chabris | ||||||
11:29 | Gièvres | ||||||
15:12 | Gièvres | TER860840 | SNCF TER | ||||
15:18 | Villefranche-sur-Cher | ||||||
15:25 | Mennetou-sur-Cher | ||||||
15:38 | Vierzon | ||||||
15:57 | Bourges | ||||||
16:09 | Avord |
18:17 | La Gauterie | 2 h 12 8 stops 2 changes Bus40886 TER861296 TER860846 | 2 h 12 | 2 changes 8 stops | Bus40886 TER861296 TER860846 | Bus40886 | SNCF TER |
18:25 | Valençay | ||||||
18:51 | Valençay | TER861296 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:05 | Chabris | ||||||
19:11 | Gièvres | ||||||
19:27 | Gièvres | TER860846 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:33 | Villefranche-sur-Cher | ||||||
19:40 | Mennetou-sur-Cher | ||||||
19:54 | Vierzon | ||||||
20:15 | Bourges | ||||||
20:21 | Saint-Germain-du-Puy | ||||||
20:29 | Avord |
Travel time
Travel time between La Gauterie and Avord is 2h13