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Landerneau to Prissé-la-Charrière train times
Saturday, January 18, 202509:22 +1d | Landerneau | 9 h 15 10 stops 2 changes TGV8610 TGV8361 Bus448375 | 9 h 15 | 2 changes 10 stops | TGV8610 TGV8361 Bus448375 | TGV8610 | SNCF TGV |
09:45 | Morlaix | ||||||
10:03 | Plouaret Trégor | ||||||
10:18 | Guingamp | ||||||
10:36 | Saint-Brieuc | ||||||
10:48 | Lamballe | ||||||
11:35 | Rennes | ||||||
12:03 | Laval | ||||||
13:21 | Paris Montparnasse Hall 1 - 2 | ||||||
13:40 +1d | Paris Montparnasse Hall 1 - 2 | TGV8361 | SNCF TGV | ||||
15:20 | Saint-Maixent-L'École | ||||||
15:35 | Niort | ||||||
17:52 +1d | Niort | Bus448375 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:37 | Prissé-la-Charrière |
Travel time
Travel time between Landerneau and Prissé-la-Charrière is 8h47