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Le Vieux Briollay to Troyes train times
Saturday, January 18, 202513:23 +1d | Le Vieux Briollay | 4 h 48 5 stops 2 changes TER857437 TGV8874 TER840857 | 4 h 48 | 2 changes 5 stops | TER857437 TGV8874 TER840857 | TER857437 | SNCF TER |
13:32 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
13:44 +1d | Angers Saint-Laud | TGV8874 | SNCF TGV | ||||
14:26 | Le Mans | ||||||
15:32 | Paris Montparnasse Hall 1 - 2 | ||||||
16:40 +1d | Paris Est | TER840857 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:39 | Nogent-sur-Seine | ||||||
17:50 | Romilly-sur-Seine | ||||||
18:11 | Troyes |
14:01 +1d | Le Vieux Briollay | 5 h 43 11 stops 2 changes TER857400 TGV5480 TER839429 | 5 h 43 | 2 changes 11 stops | TER857400 TGV5480 TER839429 | TER857400 | SNCF TER |
14:06 | Tiercé | ||||||
14:10 | Étriché - Châteauneuf | ||||||
14:18 | Morannes | ||||||
14:27 | Sablé-sur-Sarthe | ||||||
14:39 | Noyen | ||||||
14:46 | La Suze | ||||||
14:52 | Voivres | ||||||
15:01 | Le Mans | ||||||
15:30 +1d | Le Mans | TGV5480 | SNCF TGV | ||||
16:24 | Massy TGV | ||||||
18:10 +1d | Paris Est | TER839429 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:10 | Nogent-sur-Seine | ||||||
19:21 | Romilly-sur-Seine | ||||||
19:44 | Troyes |
16:54 +1d | Le Vieux Briollay | 5 h 17 5 stops 2 changes TER857401 TGV8144 TER839505 | 5 h 17 | 2 changes 5 stops | TER857401 TGV8144 TER839505 | TER857401 | SNCF TER |
17:02 | Angers Maître École | ||||||
17:05 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
17:48 +1d | Angers Saint-Laud | TGV8144 | SNCF TGV | ||||
19:18 | Paris Montparnasse Hall 1 - 2 | ||||||
20:40 +1d | Paris Est | TER839505 | SNCF TER | ||||
21:39 | Nogent-sur-Seine | ||||||
21:50 | Romilly-sur-Seine | ||||||
22:11 | Troyes |
17:06 +1d | Le Vieux Briollay | 6 h 38 11 stops 2 changes TER857430 TGV5320 TER839415 | 6 h 38 | 2 changes 11 stops | TER857430 TGV5320 TER839415 | TER857430 | SNCF TER |
17:10 | Tiercé | ||||||
17:15 | Étriché - Châteauneuf | ||||||
17:22 | Morannes | ||||||
17:31 | Sablé-sur-Sarthe | ||||||
17:43 | Noyen | ||||||
17:50 | La Suze | ||||||
17:56 | Voivres | ||||||
18:04 | Le Mans | ||||||
18:30 +1d | Le Mans | TGV5320 | SNCF TGV | ||||
19:24 | Massy TGV | ||||||
22:11 +1d | Paris Est | TER839415 | SNCF TER | ||||
23:10 | Nogent-sur-Seine | ||||||
23:21 | Romilly-sur-Seine | ||||||
23:44 | Troyes |
Travel time
Travel time between Le Vieux Briollay and Troyes is 4h03