Get train times
Machecoul to Saint-Martin-d'Oney train times
Wednesday, December 11, 202407:06 +1d | Machecoul | 7 h 00 19 stops 2 changes TER859102 Intercités3831 TER866611 | 7 h 00 | 2 changes 19 stops | TER859102 Intercités3831 TER866611 | TER859102 | SNCF TER |
07:17 | Sainte-Pazanne | ||||||
07:23 | Port-Saint-Père - Saint-Mars | ||||||
07:29 | Bouaye | ||||||
07:40 | Rezé Pont-Rousseau | ||||||
07:50 | Nantes | ||||||
07:55 +1d | Nantes | Intercités3831 | SNCF | ||||
08:36 | La Roche-sur-Yon | ||||||
09:00 | Luçon | ||||||
09:45 | La Rochelle | ||||||
10:06 | Rochefort | ||||||
10:34 | Saintes | ||||||
11:11 | Jonzac | ||||||
12:05 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
12:45 +1d | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER866611 | SNCF TER | ||||
12:51 | Pessac | ||||||
13:09 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
13:27 | Ychoux | ||||||
13:36 | Labouheyre | ||||||
13:47 | Morcenx | ||||||
13:55 | Arengosse | ||||||
14:01 | Ygos | ||||||
14:06 | Saint-Martin-d'Oney |
08:02 +1d | Machecoul | 10 h 17 15 stops 3 changes TER859104 TGV8912 TGV8541 TER866617 | 10 h 17 | 3 changes 15 stops | TER859104 TGV8912 TGV8541 TER866617 | TER859104 | SNCF TER |
08:13 | Sainte-Pazanne | ||||||
08:24 | Bouaye | ||||||
08:34 | Rezé Pont-Rousseau | ||||||
08:45 | Nantes | ||||||
09:05 +1d | Nantes | TGV8912 | SNCF TGV | ||||
09:45 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
10:26 | Le Mans | ||||||
11:22 | Paris Montparnasse | ||||||
12:04 +1d | Paris Montparnasse | TGV8541 | SNCF TGV | ||||
14:14 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
16:53 +1d | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER866617 | SNCF TER | ||||
16:59 | Pessac | ||||||
17:16 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
17:35 | Ychoux | ||||||
17:44 | Labouheyre | ||||||
17:56 | Morcenx | ||||||
18:04 | Arengosse | ||||||
18:13 | Ygos | ||||||
18:19 | Saint-Martin-d'Oney |
10:08 +1d | Machecoul | 9 h 25 18 stops 4 changes TER859108 TER860006 Ouigo7653 TER866619 TER866658 | 9 h 25 | 4 changes 18 stops | TER859108 TER860006 Ouigo7653 TER866619 TER866658 | TER859108 | SNCF TER |
10:18 | Sainte-Pazanne | ||||||
10:24 | Port-Saint-Père - Saint-Mars | ||||||
10:30 | Bouaye | ||||||
10:40 | Rezé Pont-Rousseau | ||||||
10:50 | Nantes | ||||||
11:12 +1d | Nantes | TER860006 | SNCF TER | ||||
11:31 | Ancenis | ||||||
11:57 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
12:18 | Saumur | ||||||
12:59 | Tours | ||||||
13:05 | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | ||||||
14:46 +1d | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | Ouigo7653 | SNCF OUIGO | ||||
16:07 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
17:43 +1d | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER866619 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:49 | Pessac | ||||||
18:05 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
18:23 | Ychoux | ||||||
18:32 | Labouheyre | ||||||
18:44 | Morcenx | ||||||
18:57 | Ygos | ||||||
19:10 | Mont-de-Marsan | ||||||
19:25 +1d | Mont-de-Marsan | TER866658 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:33 | Saint-Martin-d'Oney |
11:11 +1d | Machecoul | 9 h 10 19 stops 4 changes TER859110 TGV5306 TGV8485 TER866463 TER866657 | 9 h 10 | 4 changes 19 stops | TER859110 TGV5306 TGV8485 TER866463 TER866657 | TER859110 | SNCF TER |
11:21 | Sainte-Pazanne | ||||||
11:27 | Port-Saint-Père - Saint-Mars | ||||||
11:33 | Bouaye | ||||||
11:43 | Rezé Pont-Rousseau | ||||||
11:53 | Nantes | ||||||
12:44 +1d | Nantes | TGV5306 | SNCF TGV | ||||
13:26 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
13:49 | Saumur | ||||||
14:24 | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | ||||||
15:17 +1d | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | TGV8485 | SNCF TGV | ||||
15:54 | Poitiers | ||||||
16:36 | Angoulême | ||||||
17:22 | Libourne | ||||||
17:44 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
18:46 +1d | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER866463 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:51 | Pessac | ||||||
19:09 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
19:26 | Ychoux | ||||||
19:35 | Labouheyre | ||||||
19:44 | Morcenx | ||||||
20:02 +1d | Morcenx | TER866657 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:09 | Arengosse | ||||||
20:15 | Ygos | ||||||
20:21 | Saint-Martin-d'Oney |
Travel time
Travel time between Machecoul and Saint-Martin-d'Oney is 7h00