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Modane to Aiguebelette-le-lac train times
Friday, December 13, 202405:36 | Modane | 4 h 03 9 stops 2 changes Bus460340 TER883354 Bus49648 | 4 h 03 | 2 changes 9 stops | Bus460340 TER883354 Bus49648 | Bus460340 | SNCF TER |
05:56 | Saint-Michel - Valloire | ||||||
06:06 | Saint-Michel - Valloire | TER883354 | SNCF TER | ||||
06:19 | Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan | ||||||
06:28 | Saint-Avre - La Chambre | ||||||
06:37 | Épierre - Saint-Léger | ||||||
06:46 | Aiguebelle | ||||||
06:53 | Chamousset | ||||||
06:58 | Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny | ||||||
07:07 | Montmélian | ||||||
07:16 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | ||||||
09:14 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | Bus49648 | SNCF TER | ||||
09:39 | Aiguebelette-Centre |
06:38 | Modane | 5 h 23 9 stops 3 changes Bus460302 TER883358 TER18544 Bus49645 | 5 h 23 | 3 changes 9 stops | Bus460302 TER883358 TER18544 Bus49645 | Bus460302 | SNCF TER |
07:18 | Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan | ||||||
07:31 | Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan | TER883358 | SNCF TER | ||||
07:39 | Saint-Avre - La Chambre | ||||||
07:48 | Épierre - Saint-Léger | ||||||
07:57 | Aiguebelle | ||||||
08:04 | Chamousset | ||||||
08:09 | Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny | ||||||
08:19 | Montmélian | ||||||
08:28 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | ||||||
08:44 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | TER18544 | SNCF TER | ||||
08:59 | Lépin-le-Lac - La Bauche | ||||||
11:56 | Lépin-le-Lac - La Bauche | Bus49645 | SNCF TER | ||||
12:01 | Aiguebelette-Centre |
07:52 | Modane | 4 h 39 1 stop 1 change Bus49848 TER883504 | 4 h 39 | 1 change 1 stop | Bus49848 TER883504 | Bus49848 | SNCF TER |
10:06 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | ||||||
12:15 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | TER883504 | SNCF TER | ||||
12:31 | Aiguebelette-le-Lac |
12:05 | Modane | 3 h 56 2 stops 2 changes Bus49850 TER18558 Bus49649 | 3 h 56 | 2 changes 2 stops | Bus49850 TER18558 Bus49649 | Bus49850 | SNCF TER |
14:23 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | ||||||
14:44 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | TER18558 | SNCF TER | ||||
14:59 | Lépin-le-Lac - La Bauche | ||||||
15:56 | Lépin-le-Lac - La Bauche | Bus49649 | SNCF TER | ||||
16:01 | Aiguebelette-Centre |
13:33 | Modane | 3 h 24 9 stops 2 changes Bus460322 TER883380 Bus49654 | 3 h 24 | 2 changes 9 stops | Bus460322 TER883380 Bus49654 | Bus460322 | SNCF TER |
13:53 | Saint-Michel - Valloire | ||||||
14:03 | Saint-Michel - Valloire | TER883380 | SNCF TER | ||||
14:16 | Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan | ||||||
14:26 | Saint-Avre - La Chambre | ||||||
14:36 | Épierre - Saint-Léger | ||||||
14:44 | Aiguebelle | ||||||
14:51 | Chamousset | ||||||
14:57 | Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny | ||||||
15:06 | Montmélian | ||||||
15:15 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | ||||||
16:32 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | Bus49654 | SNCF TER | ||||
16:57 | Aiguebelette-Centre |
15:48 | Modane | 2 h 44 9 stops 2 changes Bus460330 TER883382 Bus49656 | 2 h 44 | 2 changes 9 stops | Bus460330 TER883382 Bus49656 | Bus460330 | SNCF TER |
16:08 | Saint-Michel - Valloire | ||||||
16:18 | Saint-Michel - Valloire | TER883382 | SNCF TER | ||||
16:31 | Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan | ||||||
16:39 | Saint-Avre - La Chambre | ||||||
16:49 | Épierre - Saint-Léger | ||||||
16:57 | Aiguebelle | ||||||
17:04 | Chamousset | ||||||
17:09 | Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny | ||||||
17:20 | Montmélian | ||||||
17:30 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | ||||||
18:02 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | Bus49656 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:32 | Aiguebelette-Centre |
17:00 | Modane | 2 h 57 9 stops 2 changes Bus460332 TER883386 Bus49660 | 2 h 57 | 2 changes 9 stops | Bus460332 TER883386 Bus49660 | Bus460332 | SNCF TER |
17:20 | Saint-Michel - Valloire | ||||||
17:30 | Saint-Michel - Valloire | TER883386 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:43 | Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan | ||||||
17:52 | Saint-Avre - La Chambre | ||||||
18:01 | Épierre - Saint-Léger | ||||||
18:09 | Aiguebelle | ||||||
18:16 | Chamousset | ||||||
18:21 | Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny | ||||||
18:30 | Montmélian | ||||||
18:39 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | ||||||
19:32 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | Bus49660 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:57 | Aiguebelette-Centre |
18:40 | Modane | 12 h 59 2 stops 2 changes Bus460360 TGV9250 Bus49646 | 12 h 59 | 2 changes 2 stops | Bus460360 TGV9250 Bus49646 | Bus460360 | SNCF TER |
19:20 | Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan | ||||||
19:37 | Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan | TGV9250 | SNCF TGV | ||||
20:15 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | ||||||
07:14 | Chambéry - Challes-les-Eaux | Bus49646 | SNCF TER | ||||
07:39 | Aiguebelette-Centre |
Travel time
Travel time between Modane and Aiguebelette-le-lac is 2h10