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Mohon to Houdemont train times
Saturday, December 14, 202418:26 | Mohon | 18 h 05 12 stops 3 changes TER839760 TGV2407 TGV2587 TER836215 | 18 h 05 | 3 changes 12 stops | TER839760 TGV2407 TGV2587 TER836215 | TER839760 | SNCF TER |
18:34 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
18:46 | Poix-Terron | ||||||
19:01 | Amagne - Lucquy | ||||||
19:07 | Rethel | ||||||
19:20 | Bazancourt | ||||||
19:36 | Reims | ||||||
19:40 | Franchet d'Esperey | ||||||
19:43 | Reims Maison Blanche | ||||||
19:48 | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | ||||||
08:41 | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | TGV2407 | SNCF TGV | ||||
09:05 | Meuse TGV | ||||||
10:16 | Meuse TGV | TGV2587 | SNCF TGV | ||||
10:51 | Nancy | ||||||
12:21 | Nancy | TER836215 | SNCF TER | ||||
12:27 | Jarville-la-Malgrange | ||||||
12:31 | Houdemont |
09:25 +1d | Mohon | 9 h 06 12 stops 2 changes TER839722 TGV2231 TER836233 | 9 h 06 | 2 changes 12 stops | TER839722 TGV2231 TER836233 | TER839722 | SNCF TER |
09:34 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
09:46 | Poix-Terron | ||||||
10:00 | Amagne - Lucquy | ||||||
10:06 | Rethel | ||||||
10:19 | Bazancourt | ||||||
10:36 | Reims | ||||||
10:39 | Franchet d'Esperey | ||||||
10:42 | Reims Maison Blanche | ||||||
10:48 | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | ||||||
14:41 +1d | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | TGV2231 | SNCF TGV | ||||
15:09 | Meuse TGV | ||||||
15:44 | Nancy | ||||||
18:21 +1d | Nancy | TER836233 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:27 | Jarville-la-Malgrange | ||||||
18:31 | Houdemont |
13:25 +1d | Mohon | 7 h 37 11 stops 2 changes TER839736 TGV2513 TER836239 | 7 h 37 | 2 changes 11 stops | TER839736 TGV2513 TER836239 | TER839736 | SNCF TER |
13:34 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
13:46 | Poix-Terron | ||||||
14:00 | Amagne - Lucquy | ||||||
14:06 | Rethel | ||||||
14:19 | Bazancourt | ||||||
14:36 | Reims | ||||||
14:39 | Franchet d'Esperey | ||||||
14:42 | Reims Maison Blanche | ||||||
14:48 | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | ||||||
16:49 +1d | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | TGV2513 | SNCF TGV | ||||
17:44 | Nancy | ||||||
20:52 +1d | Nancy | TER836239 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:58 | Jarville-la-Malgrange | ||||||
21:02 | Houdemont |
Travel time
Travel time between Mohon and Houdemont is 3h04