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Munster Badischhof to Gaillon - Aubevoye train times
Friday, January 3, 202516:11 | Munster Badischhof | 5 h 03 11 stops 2 changes TER831541 TGV2362 TER13153 | 5 h 03 | 2 changes 11 stops | TER831541 TGV2362 TER13153 | TER831541 | SNCF TER |
16:14 | Gunsbach - Griesbach | ||||||
16:17 | Wihr-au-Val - Soultzbach | ||||||
16:20 | Walbach - La Forge | ||||||
16:26 | Turckheim | ||||||
16:30 | Logelbach | ||||||
16:33 | Colmar Saint-Joseph | ||||||
16:35 | Colmar | ||||||
16:45 | Colmar | TGV2362 | SNCF TGV | ||||
17:19 | Strasbourg | ||||||
19:06 | Paris Est | ||||||
20:12 | Paris Saint-Lazare | TER13153 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:51 | Mantes-la-Jolie | ||||||
21:06 | Vernon - Giverny | ||||||
21:14 | Gaillon - Aubevoye |
Travel time
Travel time between Munster Badischhof and Gaillon - Aubevoye is 4h41