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Peille to Chasse-sur-Rhône train times
Tuesday, January 7, 202513:17 | Peille | 8 h 41 16 stops 4 changes Bus466818 TER881366 TGV6866 TER887439 Bus30853 | 8 h 41 | 4 changes 16 stops | Bus466818 TER881366 TGV6866 TER887439 Bus30853 | Bus466818 | SNCF TER |
13:35 | Drap - Cantaron | ||||||
13:45 | Drap - Cantaron | TER881366 | SNCF TER | ||||
13:49 | La Trinité Victor | ||||||
13:51 | L'Ariane La Trinité | ||||||
13:55 | Nice Pont Michel | ||||||
14:00 | Nice-Ville | ||||||
15:12 | Nice-Ville | TGV6866 | SNCF TGV | ||||
15:34 | Antibes | ||||||
15:47 | Cannes | ||||||
16:13 | Saint-Raphaël Valescure | ||||||
16:30 | Les Arcs - Draguignan | ||||||
17:14 | Toulon | ||||||
18:15 | Marseille Saint-Charles | ||||||
18:29 | Aix-en-Provence TGV | ||||||
18:51 | Avignon TGV | ||||||
19:26 | Valence TGV Rhône-Alpes Sud | ||||||
20:02 | Lyon Part Dieu | ||||||
20:21 | Lyon Part Dieu | TER887439 | SNCF TER | ||||
20:29 | Lyon Perrache | ||||||
21:24 | Lyon-Perrache Gare Routière | Bus30853 | SNCF TER | ||||
21:58 | Chasse-sur-Rhône |
Travel time
Travel time between Peille and Chasse-sur-Rhône is 6h47