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Raedersheim to La Fère train times
Tuesday, January 7, 202516:22 | Raedersheim | 13 h 57 11 stops 3 changes TER831421 9226 TER849937 TER848604 | 13 h 57 | 3 changes 11 stops | TER831421 9226 TER849937 TER848604 | TER831421 | SNCF TER |
16:29 | Staffelfelden | ||||||
16:40 | Mulhouse | ||||||
16:56 | Mulhouse | 9226 | SNCF TGV | ||||
18:03 | Dijon | ||||||
19:38 | Paris Gare de Lyon | ||||||
20:31 | Paris Gare du Nord | TER849937 | SNCF TER | ||||
21:14 | Crépy-en-Valois | ||||||
21:25 | Villers-Cotterêts | ||||||
21:43 | Soissons | ||||||
21:55 | Anizy - Pinon | ||||||
22:07 | Laon | ||||||
05:59 | Laon | TER848604 | SNCF TER | ||||
06:08 | Crépy - Couvron | ||||||
06:15 | Versigny | ||||||
06:19 | La Fère |
Travel time
Travel time between Raedersheim and La Fère is 5h01