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Saint-Gilles Lycée Haut-Rhin to Aubrives train times
Monday, January 6, 202508:29 | Saint-Gilles Lycée Haut-Rhin | 10 h 04 21 stops 4 changes TER831509 TER96214 TGV5470 TER839731 TER838837 | 10 h 04 | 4 changes 21 stops | TER831509 TER96214 TGV5470 TER839731 TER838837 | TER831509 | SNCF TER |
08:33 | Turckheim | ||||||
08:38 | Logelbach | ||||||
08:44 | Colmar | ||||||
09:06 | Colmar | TER96214 | SNCF TER | ||||
09:19 | Sélestat | ||||||
09:39 | Strasbourg | ||||||
10:01 | Strasbourg | TGV5470 | SNCF TGV | ||||
10:38 | Lorraine TGV | ||||||
10:59 | Meuse TGV | ||||||
11:23 | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | ||||||
12:10 | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | TER839731 | SNCF TER | ||||
12:16 | Reims Maison Blanche | ||||||
12:18 | Franchet d'Esperey | ||||||
12:30 | Reims | ||||||
12:40 | Bazancourt | ||||||
12:53 | Rethel | ||||||
12:59 | Amagne - Lucquy | ||||||
13:14 | Poix-Terron | ||||||
13:25 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
17:35 | Charleville-Mézières | TER838837 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:42 | Nouzonville | ||||||
17:54 | Monthermé | ||||||
18:06 | Anchamps | ||||||
18:10 | Revin | ||||||
18:17 | Fumay | ||||||
18:33 | Aubrives |
Travel time
Travel time between Saint-Gilles Lycée Haut-Rhin and Aubrives is 5h54