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Sanry-sur-Nied to Nantiat train times
Tuesday, January 7, 202508:21 | Sanry-sur-Nied | 10 h 46 12 stops 3 changes TER834356 TGV2656 Intercités3645 TER868034 | 10 h 46 | 3 changes 12 stops | TER834356 TGV2656 Intercités3645 TER868034 | TER834356 | SNCF TER |
08:25 | Courcelles-sur-Nied | ||||||
08:30 | Peltre | ||||||
08:36 | Metz | ||||||
08:54 | Metz | TGV2656 | SNCF TGV | ||||
09:24 | Meuse TGV | ||||||
10:25 | Paris Est | ||||||
14:26 | Paris Austerlitz | Intercités3645 | SNCF | ||||
15:33 | Les Aubrais | ||||||
16:12 | Vierzon | ||||||
16:43 | Châteauroux | ||||||
17:24 | La Souterraine | ||||||
17:56 | Limoges Bénédictins | ||||||
18:43 | Limoges Bénédictins | TER868034 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:57 | Nieul | ||||||
19:02 | Peyrilhac - Saint-Jouvent | ||||||
19:07 | Nantiat |
Travel time
Travel time between Sanry-sur-Nied and Nantiat is 7h41