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Serqueux to Prissé-la-Charrière train times
Monday, December 16, 202413:01 | Serqueux | 24 h 21 6 stops 3 changes TER848902 TER3118 TGV8365 Bus448369 | 24 h 21 | 3 changes 6 stops | TER848902 TER3118 TGV8365 Bus448369 | TER848902 | SNCF TER |
13:13 | Montérolier - Buchy | ||||||
13:18 | Longuerue - Vieux-Manoir | ||||||
13:23 | Morgny | ||||||
13:41 | Rouen Rive Droite | ||||||
13:57 | Rouen Rive Droite | TER3118 | SNCF TER | ||||
15:18 | Paris Saint-Lazare | ||||||
17:27 | Paris Montparnasse | TGV8365 | SNCF TGV | ||||
19:21 | Niort | ||||||
12:37 | Niort | Bus448369 | SNCF TER | ||||
13:22 | Prissé-la-Charrière |
Travel time
Travel time between Serqueux and Prissé-la-Charrière is 6h38