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Souillac to Villeneuve-sur-yonne train times
Wednesday, January 8, 202507:28 | Souillac | 7 h 18 7 stops 2 changes Intercités3634 TER17775 TER892007 | 7 h 18 | 2 changes 7 stops | Intercités3634 TER17775 TER892007 | Intercités3634 | SNCF |
07:56 | Brive-la-Gaillarde | ||||||
08:23 | Uzerche | ||||||
09:04 | Limoges Bénédictins | ||||||
09:57 | Argenton-sur-Creuse | ||||||
10:17 | Châteauroux | ||||||
12:31 | Paris Austerlitz | ||||||
13:33 | Paris Bercy Bourg. Pays d'Auv. | TER17775 | SNCF TER | ||||
14:30 | Sens | ||||||
14:37 | Sens | TER892007 | SNCF TER | ||||
14:46 | Villeneuve-sur-Yonne |
09:28 | Souillac | 7 h 18 9 stops 2 changes Intercités3644 TER17777 TER892009 | 7 h 18 | 2 changes 9 stops | Intercités3644 TER17777 TER892009 | Intercités3644 | SNCF |
09:57 | Brive-la-Gaillarde | ||||||
11:00 | Limoges Bénédictins | ||||||
11:33 | La Souterraine | ||||||
12:13 | Châteauroux | ||||||
12:48 | Vierzon | ||||||
13:28 | Les Aubrais | ||||||
14:32 | Paris Austerlitz | ||||||
15:35 | Paris Bercy Bourg. Pays d'Auv. | TER17777 | SNCF TER | ||||
16:31 | Sens | ||||||
16:36 | Sens | TER892009 | SNCF TER | ||||
16:42 | Étigny - Véron | ||||||
16:46 | Villeneuve-sur-Yonne |
12:30 | Souillac | 7 h 16 15 stops 1 change Intercités3650 TER891005 | 7 h 16 | 1 change 15 stops | Intercités3650 TER891005 | Intercités3650 | SNCF |
12:58 | Brive-la-Gaillarde | ||||||
14:02 | Limoges Bénédictins | ||||||
14:33 | La Souterraine | ||||||
14:57 | Argenton-sur-Creuse | ||||||
15:16 | Châteauroux | ||||||
15:50 | Vierzon | ||||||
16:31 | Les Aubrais | ||||||
17:34 | Paris Austerlitz | ||||||
18:13 | Paris Gare de Lyon | TER891005 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:57 | Champagne-sur-Seine | ||||||
19:09 | Montereau | ||||||
19:17 | Villeneuve-la-Guyard | ||||||
19:21 | Champigny | ||||||
19:27 | Pont-sur-Yonne | ||||||
19:35 | Sens | ||||||
19:41 | Étigny - Véron | ||||||
19:46 | Villeneuve-sur-Yonne |
18:10 | Souillac | 12 h 25 12 stops 1 change Intercités3694 TER17787 | 12 h 25 | 1 change 12 stops | Intercités3694 TER17787 | Intercités3694 | SNCF |
18:38 | Brive-la-Gaillarde | ||||||
19:42 | Limoges Bénédictins | ||||||
20:16 | La Souterraine | ||||||
20:57 | Châteauroux | ||||||
21:31 | Vierzon | ||||||
22:08 | Les Aubrais | ||||||
23:12 | Paris Austerlitz | ||||||
05:58 | Montereau | TER17787 | SNCF TER | ||||
06:05 | Villeneuve-la-Guyard | ||||||
06:10 | Champigny | ||||||
06:15 | Pont-sur-Yonne | ||||||
06:24 | Sens | ||||||
06:30 | Étigny - Véron | ||||||
06:35 | Villeneuve-sur-Yonne |
Travel time
Travel time between Souillac and Villeneuve-sur-yonne is 6h51