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Thouaré to Caudry train times
Tuesday, January 7, 202508:02 | Thouaré | 11 h 58 7 stops 2 changes TER859455 TGV8912 TER16459 | 11 h 58 | 2 changes 7 stops | TER859455 TGV8912 TER16459 | TER859455 | SNCF TER |
08:10 | Nantes | ||||||
09:04 | Nantes | TGV8912 | SNCF TGV | ||||
09:44 | Angers Saint-Laud | ||||||
10:26 | Le Mans | ||||||
11:28 | Paris Montparnasse Hall 1 - 2 | ||||||
18:18 | Paris Gare du Nord | TER16459 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:01 | Compiègne | ||||||
19:36 | Saint-Quentin | ||||||
19:52 | Busigny | ||||||
20:00 | Caudry |
Travel time
Travel time between Thouaré and Caudry is 7h12