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Delden to Vorden train times
Sunday, 8 December 202413:53 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31250 Sneltrein30443 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31250 Sneltrein30443 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31250 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
14:01 | Goor | ||||||
14:10 | Lochem | ||||||
14:23 | Zutphen | ||||||
14:37 | Zutphen | Sneltrein30443 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
14:45 | Vorden |
14:53 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31254 Sneltrein30447 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31254 Sneltrein30447 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31254 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
15:01 | Goor | ||||||
15:10 | Lochem | ||||||
15:23 | Zutphen | ||||||
15:37 | Zutphen | Sneltrein30447 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
15:45 | Vorden |
15:23 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31256 Stoptrein30849 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31256 Stoptrein30849 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31256 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
15:31 | Goor | ||||||
15:40 | Lochem | ||||||
15:53 | Zutphen | ||||||
16:07 | Zutphen | Stoptrein30849 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
16:15 | Vorden |
15:53 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31258 Sneltrein30451 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31258 Sneltrein30451 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31258 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
16:01 | Goor | ||||||
16:10 | Lochem | ||||||
16:23 | Zutphen | ||||||
16:37 | Zutphen | Sneltrein30451 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
16:45 | Vorden |
16:23 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31260 Stoptrein30853 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31260 Stoptrein30853 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31260 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
16:31 | Goor | ||||||
16:40 | Lochem | ||||||
16:53 | Zutphen | ||||||
17:07 | Zutphen | Stoptrein30853 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
17:15 | Vorden |
16:53 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31262 Sneltrein30455 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31262 Sneltrein30455 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31262 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
17:01 | Goor | ||||||
17:10 | Lochem | ||||||
17:23 | Zutphen | ||||||
17:37 | Zutphen | Sneltrein30455 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
17:45 | Vorden |
Travel time
Travel time between Delden and Vorden is 47 minutes