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Delden to Vorden train times
Monday, 9 December 202419:53 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31274 Sneltrein30467 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31274 Sneltrein30467 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31274 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
20:01 | Goor | ||||||
20:10 | Lochem | ||||||
20:23 | Zutphen | ||||||
20:38 | Zutphen | Sneltrein30467 Platform 3 | Arriva | ||||
20:45 | Vorden |
20:23 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31276 Stoptrein30869 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31276 Stoptrein30869 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31276 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
20:31 | Goor | ||||||
20:40 | Lochem | ||||||
20:53 | Zutphen | ||||||
21:07 | Zutphen | Stoptrein30869 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
21:15 | Vorden |
20:53 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31278 Sneltrein30471 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31278 Sneltrein30471 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31278 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
21:01 | Goor | ||||||
21:10 | Lochem | ||||||
21:23 | Zutphen | ||||||
21:38 | Zutphen | Sneltrein30471 Platform 3 | Arriva | ||||
21:45 | Vorden |
21:23 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31280 Stoptrein30873 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31280 Stoptrein30873 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31280 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
21:31 | Goor | ||||||
21:40 | Lochem | ||||||
21:53 | Zutphen | ||||||
22:07 | Zutphen | Stoptrein30873 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
22:15 | Vorden |
21:53 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31282 Sneltrein30475 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31282 Sneltrein30475 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31282 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
22:01 | Goor | ||||||
22:10 | Lochem | ||||||
22:23 | Zutphen | ||||||
22:37 | Zutphen | Sneltrein30475 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
22:45 | Vorden |
22:23 | Delden | 52 min 3 stops 1 change Stoptrein31284 Stoptrein30877 Platform 2 | 52 min | 1 change 3 stops | Stoptrein31284 Stoptrein30877 Platform 2 | Stoptrein31284 Platform 2 | Blauwnet |
22:31 | Goor | ||||||
22:40 | Lochem | ||||||
22:53 | Zutphen | ||||||
23:07 | Zutphen | Stoptrein30877 Platform 1b | Arriva | ||||
23:15 | Vorden |
Travel time
Travel time between Delden and Vorden is 47 minutes