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Mook Molenhoek to Gouda train times
Monday, 6 January 202521:12 | Mook-Molenhoek | 1 h 39 5 stops 2 changes Stoptrein32272 Intercity3178 Intercity2878 Platform 2 Buy | 1 h 39 | 2 changes 5 stops | Stoptrein32272 Intercity3178 Intercity2878 Platform 2 | Stoptrein32272 Platform 2 | Arriva |
21:18 | Nijmegen Heyendaal | ||||||
21:22 | Nijmegen | ||||||
21:28 | Nijmegen | Intercity3178 Platform 4a | NS | ||||
21:47 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
21:57 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
22:19 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
22:33 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity2878 Platform 9 | NS | ||||
22:51 | Gouda |
21:42 | Mook-Molenhoek | 1 h 39 4 stops 3 changes Stoptrein32274 Intercity303676 ICE International224 Intercity2880 Platform 2 Buy | 1 h 39 | 3 changes 4 stops | Stoptrein32274 Intercity303676 ICE International224 Intercity2880 Platform 2 | Stoptrein32274 Platform 2 | Arriva |
21:48 | Nijmegen Heyendaal | ||||||
21:52 | Nijmegen | ||||||
21:55 | Nijmegen | Intercity303676 Platform 1a | NS | ||||
22:07 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
22:29 | Arnhem Centraal | ICE International224 Platform 9 | NS International | ||||
22:59 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
23:03 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity2880 Platform 9 | NS | ||||
23:21 | Gouda |
21:42 | Mook-Molenhoek | 1 h 49 7 stops 2 changes Stoptrein32274 Intercity3080 Intercity580 Platform 2 Buy | 1 h 49 | 2 changes 7 stops | Stoptrein32274 Intercity3080 Intercity580 Platform 2 | Stoptrein32274 Platform 2 | Arriva |
21:48 | Nijmegen Heyendaal | ||||||
21:52 | Nijmegen | ||||||
22:13 | Nijmegen | Intercity3080 Platform 3 | NS | ||||
22:31 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
22:41 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
22:47 | Veenendaal-De Klomp | ||||||
23:00 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
23:08 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
23:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity580 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
23:31 | Gouda |
22:12 | Mook-Molenhoek | 1 h 49 7 stops 2 changes Stoptrein32276 Intercity3082 Intercity682 Platform 2 Buy | 1 h 49 | 2 changes 7 stops | Stoptrein32276 Intercity3082 Intercity682 Platform 2 | Stoptrein32276 Platform 2 | Arriva |
22:18 | Nijmegen Heyendaal | ||||||
22:22 | Nijmegen | ||||||
22:43 | Nijmegen | Intercity3082 Platform 3 | NS | ||||
23:01 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
23:11 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
23:17 | Veenendaal-De Klomp | ||||||
23:30 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
23:38 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
23:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity682 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
00:01 | Gouda |
22:42 | Mook-Molenhoek | 1 h 49 7 stops 2 changes Stoptrein32278 Intercity3084 Intercity584 Platform 2 Buy | 1 h 49 | 2 changes 7 stops | Stoptrein32278 Intercity3084 Intercity584 Platform 2 | Stoptrein32278 Platform 2 | Arriva |
22:48 | Nijmegen Heyendaal | ||||||
22:52 | Nijmegen | ||||||
23:13 | Nijmegen | Intercity3084 Platform 3 | NS | ||||
23:31 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
23:41 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
23:47 | Veenendaal-De Klomp | ||||||
00:00 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
00:08 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
00:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity584 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
00:31 | Gouda |
Travel time
Travel time between Mook Molenhoek and Gouda is 1h34