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Varsseveld to Zwijndrecht train times
Wednesday, 11 December 202412:38 | Varsseveld | 2 h 46 21 stops 3 changes Stoptrein30934 Intercity3044 Intercity544 Sprinter5055 Platform 1 | 2 h 46 | 3 changes 21 stops | Stoptrein30934 Intercity3044 Intercity544 Sprinter5055 Platform 1 | Stoptrein30934 Platform 1 | Arriva |
12:45 | Terborg | ||||||
12:47 | Gaanderen | ||||||
12:53 | Doetinchem | ||||||
12:56 | Doetinchem De Huet | ||||||
13:00 | Wehl | ||||||
13:05 | Didam | ||||||
13:10 | Zevenaar | ||||||
13:14 | Duiven | ||||||
13:18 | Westervoort | ||||||
13:22 | Arnhem Velperpoort | ||||||
13:25 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
13:32 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity3044 Platform 11 | NS | ||||
13:42 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
13:59 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
14:07 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
14:18 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity544 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
14:36 | Gouda | ||||||
14:46 | Rotterdam Alexander | ||||||
14:55 | Rotterdam Centraal | ||||||
15:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter5055 Platform 6 | NS | ||||
15:08 | Rotterdam Blaak | ||||||
15:11 | Rotterdam Zuid | ||||||
15:14 | Rotterdam Lombardijen | ||||||
15:18 | Barendrecht | ||||||
15:24 | Zwijndrecht |
13:08 | Varsseveld | 2 h 46 21 stops 3 changes Stoptrein30936 Intercity3046 Intercity646 Sprinter5057 Platform 1 | 2 h 46 | 3 changes 21 stops | Stoptrein30936 Intercity3046 Intercity646 Sprinter5057 Platform 1 | Stoptrein30936 Platform 1 | Arriva |
13:15 | Terborg | ||||||
13:17 | Gaanderen | ||||||
13:23 | Doetinchem | ||||||
13:26 | Doetinchem De Huet | ||||||
13:30 | Wehl | ||||||
13:35 | Didam | ||||||
13:40 | Zevenaar | ||||||
13:44 | Duiven | ||||||
13:48 | Westervoort | ||||||
13:52 | Arnhem Velperpoort | ||||||
13:55 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
14:02 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity3046 Platform 11 | NS | ||||
14:12 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
14:29 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
14:37 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
14:48 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity646 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
15:06 | Gouda | ||||||
15:16 | Rotterdam Alexander | ||||||
15:25 | Rotterdam Centraal | ||||||
15:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter5057 Platform 6 | NS | ||||
15:38 | Rotterdam Blaak | ||||||
15:41 | Rotterdam Zuid | ||||||
15:44 | Rotterdam Lombardijen | ||||||
15:48 | Barendrecht | ||||||
15:54 | Zwijndrecht |
13:38 | Varsseveld | 2 h 46 21 stops 3 changes Stoptrein30938 Intercity3048 Intercity548 Sprinter5059 Platform 1 | 2 h 46 | 3 changes 21 stops | Stoptrein30938 Intercity3048 Intercity548 Sprinter5059 Platform 1 | Stoptrein30938 Platform 1 | Arriva |
13:45 | Terborg | ||||||
13:47 | Gaanderen | ||||||
13:53 | Doetinchem | ||||||
13:56 | Doetinchem De Huet | ||||||
14:00 | Wehl | ||||||
14:05 | Didam | ||||||
14:10 | Zevenaar | ||||||
14:14 | Duiven | ||||||
14:18 | Westervoort | ||||||
14:22 | Arnhem Velperpoort | ||||||
14:25 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
14:32 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity3048 Platform 11 | NS | ||||
14:42 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
14:59 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
15:07 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
15:18 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity548 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
15:36 | Gouda | ||||||
15:46 | Rotterdam Alexander | ||||||
15:55 | Rotterdam Centraal | ||||||
16:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter5059 Platform 6 | NS | ||||
16:08 | Rotterdam Blaak | ||||||
16:11 | Rotterdam Zuid | ||||||
16:14 | Rotterdam Lombardijen | ||||||
16:18 | Barendrecht | ||||||
16:24 | Zwijndrecht |
14:08 | Varsseveld | 2 h 46 21 stops 3 changes Stoptrein30940 Intercity3050 Intercity650 Sprinter5061 Platform 1 | 2 h 46 | 3 changes 21 stops | Stoptrein30940 Intercity3050 Intercity650 Sprinter5061 Platform 1 | Stoptrein30940 Platform 1 | Arriva |
14:15 | Terborg | ||||||
14:17 | Gaanderen | ||||||
14:23 | Doetinchem | ||||||
14:26 | Doetinchem De Huet | ||||||
14:30 | Wehl | ||||||
14:35 | Didam | ||||||
14:40 | Zevenaar | ||||||
14:44 | Duiven | ||||||
14:48 | Westervoort | ||||||
14:52 | Arnhem Velperpoort | ||||||
14:55 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
15:02 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity3050 Platform 11 | NS | ||||
15:12 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
15:29 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
15:37 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
15:48 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity650 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
16:06 | Gouda | ||||||
16:16 | Rotterdam Alexander | ||||||
16:25 | Rotterdam Centraal | ||||||
16:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter5061 Platform 6 | NS | ||||
16:38 | Rotterdam Blaak | ||||||
16:41 | Rotterdam Zuid | ||||||
16:44 | Rotterdam Lombardijen | ||||||
16:48 | Barendrecht | ||||||
16:54 | Zwijndrecht |
14:38 | Varsseveld | 2 h 46 21 stops 3 changes Stoptrein30942 Intercity3052 Intercity552 Sprinter5063 Platform 1 | 2 h 46 | 3 changes 21 stops | Stoptrein30942 Intercity3052 Intercity552 Sprinter5063 Platform 1 | Stoptrein30942 Platform 1 | Arriva |
14:45 | Terborg | ||||||
14:47 | Gaanderen | ||||||
14:53 | Doetinchem | ||||||
14:56 | Doetinchem De Huet | ||||||
15:00 | Wehl | ||||||
15:05 | Didam | ||||||
15:10 | Zevenaar | ||||||
15:14 | Duiven | ||||||
15:18 | Westervoort | ||||||
15:22 | Arnhem Velperpoort | ||||||
15:25 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
15:32 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity3052 Platform 11 | NS | ||||
15:42 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
15:59 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
16:07 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
16:18 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity552 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
16:36 | Gouda | ||||||
16:46 | Rotterdam Alexander | ||||||
16:55 | Rotterdam Centraal | ||||||
17:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter5063 Platform 6 | NS | ||||
17:08 | Rotterdam Blaak | ||||||
17:11 | Rotterdam Zuid | ||||||
17:14 | Rotterdam Lombardijen | ||||||
17:18 | Barendrecht | ||||||
17:24 | Zwijndrecht |
15:08 | Varsseveld | 2 h 46 21 stops 3 changes Stoptrein30944 Intercity3054 Intercity654 Sprinter5065 Platform 1 | 2 h 46 | 3 changes 21 stops | Stoptrein30944 Intercity3054 Intercity654 Sprinter5065 Platform 1 | Stoptrein30944 Platform 1 | Arriva |
15:15 | Terborg | ||||||
15:17 | Gaanderen | ||||||
15:23 | Doetinchem | ||||||
15:26 | Doetinchem De Huet | ||||||
15:30 | Wehl | ||||||
15:35 | Didam | ||||||
15:40 | Zevenaar | ||||||
15:44 | Duiven | ||||||
15:48 | Westervoort | ||||||
15:52 | Arnhem Velperpoort | ||||||
15:55 | Arnhem Centraal | ||||||
16:02 | Arnhem Centraal | Intercity3054 Platform 11 | NS | ||||
16:12 | Ede-Wageningen | ||||||
16:29 | Driebergen-Zeist | ||||||
16:37 | Utrecht Centraal | ||||||
16:48 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity654 Platform 8 | NS | ||||
17:06 | Gouda | ||||||
17:16 | Rotterdam Alexander | ||||||
17:25 | Rotterdam Centraal | ||||||
17:35 | Rotterdam Centraal | Sprinter5065 Platform 6 | NS | ||||
17:38 | Rotterdam Blaak | ||||||
17:41 | Rotterdam Zuid | ||||||
17:44 | Rotterdam Lombardijen | ||||||
17:48 | Barendrecht | ||||||
17:54 | Zwijndrecht |
Travel time
Travel time between Varsseveld and Zwijndrecht is 2h31