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Åndalsnes to Ringebu train times
Wednesday, December 18, 202416:29 | Åndalsnes | 2 h 50 6 stops 1 change R65 F6 Platform 1 | 2 h 50 | 1 change 6 stops | R65 F6 Platform 1 | R65 Platform 1 | SJ Nord |
17:14 | Bjorli | ||||||
17:27 | Lesjaverk | ||||||
17:41 | Lesja | ||||||
17:53 | Dombås | ||||||
18:12 | Dombås | F6 Platform 1 | SJ Nord | ||||
18:42 | Otta | ||||||
19:04 | Vinstra | ||||||
19:19 | Ringebu |
Travel time
Travel time between Åndalsnes and Ringebu is 2h34