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Snartemo to Vegårshei train times
Thursday, December 12, 202419:06 | Snartemo | 2 h 53 7 stops 1 change F5 F5 Platform 1 | 2 h 53 | 1 change 7 stops | F5 F5 Platform 1 | F5 Platform 1 | Go-Ahead Norge AS |
19:12 | Audnedal | ||||||
19:25 | Marnardal | ||||||
19:43 | Nodeland | ||||||
19:59 | Kristiansand | ||||||
20:12 | Vennesla | ||||||
20:58 | Nelaug | ||||||
21:27 | Gjerstad | ||||||
21:43 | Gjerstad | F5 Platform 1 | Go-Ahead Norge AS | ||||
21:59 | Vegårshei |
Travel time
Travel time between Snartemo and Vegårshei is 1h56