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Hedemora to Gällö train times
Monday, 6 January 202514:21 | Hedemora | 6 h 42 16 stops 2 changes InterCity21 Snabbtåg578 Regional Tåg7534 | 6 h 42 | 2 changes 16 stops | InterCity21 Snabbtåg578 Regional Tåg7534 | InterCity21 | SJ |
14:37 | Avesta Krylbo | ||||||
14:58 | Sala | ||||||
15:35 | Uppsala Centralstation | ||||||
16:00 | Uppsala Centralstation | Snabbtåg578 | SJ | ||||
16:45 | Gävle Centralstation | ||||||
17:26 | Söderhamn | ||||||
17:58 | Hudiksvall | ||||||
18:54 | Sundsvall Centralstation | ||||||
19:09 | Sundsvall Centralstation | Regional Tåg7534 | Norrtåg | ||||
19:13 | Sundsvall Västra | ||||||
19:41 | Stöde station | ||||||
19:53 | Torpshammar station | ||||||
20:00 | Fränsta station | ||||||
20:05 | Ljungaverk station | ||||||
20:12 | Erikslund station | ||||||
20:22 | Ånge | ||||||
20:40 | Bräcke | ||||||
20:54 | Stavre station | ||||||
21:03 | Gällö station |
15:35 | Hedemora | 14 h 10 14 stops 3 changes InterCity46 Regional Tåg8172 Snabbtåg598 Regional Tåg7501 | 14 h 10 | 3 changes 14 stops | InterCity46 Regional Tåg8172 Snabbtåg598 Regional Tåg7501 | InterCity46 | SJ |
15:46 | Säter | ||||||
16:07 | Borlänge Centralstation | ||||||
16:12 | Borlänge Centralstation | Regional Tåg8172 | Tåg i Bergslagen | ||||
16:30 | Falun Centralstation | ||||||
16:54 | Hofors | ||||||
17:07 | Storvik station | ||||||
17:18 | Sandviken | ||||||
17:31 | Gävle Centralstation | ||||||
18:14 | Gävle Centralstation | Snabbtåg598 | SJ | ||||
19:05 | Bollnäs | ||||||
19:41 | Ljusdal | ||||||
20:38 | Ånge | ||||||
20:56 | Bräcke | ||||||
21:45 | Östersund Centralstation | ||||||
05:13 | Östersund Centralstation | Regional Tåg7501 | Norrtåg | ||||
05:23 | Brunflo station | ||||||
05:34 | Pilgrimstad station | ||||||
05:45 | Gällö station |
20:17 | Hedemora | 10 h 32 9 stops 2 changes InterCity49 70 Regional Tåg7500 | 10 h 32 | 2 changes 9 stops | InterCity49 70 Regional Tåg7500 | InterCity49 | SJ |
20:38 | Avesta Krylbo | ||||||
21:00 | Sala | ||||||
21:38 | Uppsala Centralstation | ||||||
23:25 | Uppsala Centralstation | 70 | SJ | ||||
01:21 | Gävle Centralstation | ||||||
02:32 | Bollnäs | ||||||
03:35 | Ljusdal | ||||||
05:01 | Ånge | ||||||
05:26 | Bräcke | ||||||
06:26 | Bräcke | Regional Tåg7500 | Norrtåg | ||||
06:40 | Stavre station | ||||||
06:49 | Gällö station |
21:35 | Hedemora | 14 h 24 19 stops 3 changes InterCity26 Regional Tåg8156 Snabbtåg560 Regional Tåg7506 | 14 h 24 | 3 changes 19 stops | InterCity26 Regional Tåg8156 Snabbtåg560 Regional Tåg7506 | InterCity26 | SJ |
21:46 | Säter | ||||||
22:01 | Borlänge Centralstation | ||||||
05:26 | Borlänge Centralstation | Regional Tåg8156 | Tåg i Bergslagen | ||||
05:47 | Falun Centralstation | ||||||
06:15 | Hofors | ||||||
06:26 | Storvik station | ||||||
06:36 | Sandviken | ||||||
06:51 | Gävle Centralstation | ||||||
07:45 | Gävle Centralstation | Snabbtåg560 | SJ | ||||
08:30 | Söderhamn | ||||||
08:58 | Hudiksvall | ||||||
09:53 | Sundsvall Centralstation | ||||||
10:10 | Sundsvall Centralstation | Regional Tåg7506 | Norrtåg | ||||
10:12 | Sundsvall Västra | ||||||
10:40 | Stöde station | ||||||
10:52 | Torpshammar station | ||||||
11:00 | Fränsta station | ||||||
11:07 | Ljungaverk station | ||||||
11:14 | Erikslund station | ||||||
11:24 | Ånge | ||||||
11:42 | Bräcke | ||||||
11:50 | Stavre station | ||||||
11:59 | Gällö station |
06:47 +1d | Hedemora | 7 h 12 12 stops 2 changes InterCity51 InterCity80 Regional Tåg7509 | 7 h 12 | 2 changes 12 stops | InterCity51 InterCity80 Regional Tåg7509 | InterCity51 | SJ |
07:03 | Avesta Krylbo | ||||||
07:23 | Sala | ||||||
08:05 | Uppsala Centralstation | ||||||
08:38 +1d | Uppsala Centralstation | InterCity80 | SJ | ||||
09:28 | Gävle Centralstation | ||||||
10:33 | Bollnäs | ||||||
11:02 | Järvsö station | ||||||
11:13 | Ljusdal | ||||||
12:13 | Ånge | ||||||
12:33 | Bräcke | ||||||
13:17 | Östersund Centralstation | ||||||
13:27 +1d | Östersund Centralstation | Regional Tåg7509 | Norrtåg | ||||
13:36 | Brunflo station | ||||||
13:48 | Pilgrimstad station | ||||||
13:59 | Gällö station |
08:11 +1d | Hedemora | 7 h 48 23 stops 3 changes InterCity12 Regional Tåg8184 Länstrafik8356 Regional Tåg7510 | 7 h 48 | 3 changes 23 stops | InterCity12 Regional Tåg8184 Länstrafik8356 Regional Tåg7510 | InterCity12 | SJ |
08:22 | Säter | ||||||
08:38 | Borlänge Centralstation | ||||||
09:00 | Falun Centralstation | ||||||
09:30 +1d | Falun Centralstation | Regional Tåg8184 | Tåg i Bergslagen | ||||
09:54 | Hofors | ||||||
10:07 | Storvik station | ||||||
10:17 | Sandviken | ||||||
10:31 | Gävle Centralstation | ||||||
11:27 +1d | Gävle Centralstation | Länstrafik8356 | X-trafik | ||||
12:04 | Ljusne station | ||||||
12:13 | Söderhamn | ||||||
12:36 | Iggesund station | ||||||
12:44 | Hudiksvall | ||||||
13:17 | Gnarp station | ||||||
13:35 | Njurundabommen station | ||||||
13:47 | Sundsvall Centralstation | ||||||
14:10 +1d | Sundsvall Centralstation | Regional Tåg7510 | Norrtåg | ||||
14:12 | Sundsvall Västra | ||||||
14:43 | Stöde station | ||||||
14:55 | Torpshammar station | ||||||
15:02 | Fränsta station | ||||||
15:07 | Ljungaverk station | ||||||
15:14 | Erikslund station | ||||||
15:24 | Ånge | ||||||
15:42 | Bräcke | ||||||
15:50 | Stavre station | ||||||
15:59 | Gällö station |
08:21 +1d | Hedemora | 7 h 38 16 stops 2 changes InterCity41 Snabbtåg566 Regional Tåg7510 | 7 h 38 | 2 changes 16 stops | InterCity41 Snabbtåg566 Regional Tåg7510 | InterCity41 | SJ |
08:38 | Avesta Krylbo | ||||||
09:00 | Sala | ||||||
09:32 | Uppsala Centralstation | ||||||
10:00 +1d | Uppsala Centralstation | Snabbtåg566 | SJ | ||||
10:45 | Gävle Centralstation | ||||||
11:30 | Söderhamn | ||||||
11:58 | Hudiksvall | ||||||
12:56 | Sundsvall Centralstation | ||||||
14:10 +1d | Sundsvall Centralstation | Regional Tåg7510 | Norrtåg | ||||
14:12 | Sundsvall Västra | ||||||
14:43 | Stöde station | ||||||
14:55 | Torpshammar station | ||||||
15:02 | Fränsta station | ||||||
15:07 | Ljungaverk station | ||||||
15:14 | Erikslund station | ||||||
15:24 | Ånge | ||||||
15:42 | Bräcke | ||||||
15:50 | Stavre station | ||||||
15:59 | Gällö station |
Travel time
Travel time between Hedemora and Gällö is 5h41