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Stewart Manor to Stony Brook train schedule Wednesday, September 25, 2024

8:44 am
Stewart Manor
9 h 07
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 727
Port Jefferson 658
9 h 07
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 727
Port Jefferson 658
Hempstead 727
9:03 am
4:38 pm
Port Jefferson 658
5:51 pm
Stony Brook
9:19 am
Stewart Manor
9 h 10
1 change
3 stops
Hempstead 731
Port Jefferson 660
9 h 10
1 change
3 stops
Hempstead 731
Port Jefferson 660
Hempstead 731
9:39 am
9:58 am
Penn Station
4:52 pm
Penn Station
Port Jefferson 660
5:13 pm
6:29 pm
Stony Brook
2:13 pm
Stewart Manor
4 h 54
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 755
Port Jefferson 664
4 h 54
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 755
Port Jefferson 664
Hempstead 755
2:33 pm
5:50 pm
Port Jefferson 664
7:07 pm
Stony Brook
3:09 pm
Stewart Manor
1 h 51
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 799
Port Jefferson 656
1 h 51
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 799
Port Jefferson 656
Hempstead 799
3:30 pm
3:47 pm
Port Jefferson 656
5:00 pm
Stony Brook
4:09 pm
Stewart Manor
1 h 42
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 757
Port Jefferson 658
1 h 42
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 757
Port Jefferson 658
Hempstead 757
4:29 pm
4:38 pm
Port Jefferson 658
5:51 pm
Stony Brook
5:12 pm
Stewart Manor
1 h 55
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 761
Port Jefferson 664
1 h 55
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 761
Port Jefferson 664
Hempstead 761
5:33 pm
5:50 pm
Port Jefferson 664
7:07 pm
Stony Brook
6:15 pm
Stewart Manor
1 h 57
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 763
Port Jefferson 668
1 h 57
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 763
Port Jefferson 668
Hempstead 763
6:35 pm
6:59 pm
Port Jefferson 668
8:12 pm
Stony Brook
7:21 pm
Stewart Manor
2 h 40
2 changes
2 stops
Hempstead 767
Port Jefferson 1670
Port Jefferson 672
2 h 40
2 changes
2 stops
Hempstead 767
Port Jefferson 1670
Port Jefferson 672
Hempstead 767
7:41 pm
7:56 pm
Port Jefferson 1670
8:39 pm
9:26 pm
Port Jefferson 672
10:01 pm
Stony Brook
8:04 pm
Stewart Manor
2 h 57
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 769
Port Jefferson 674
2 h 57
1 change
1 stop
Hempstead 769
Port Jefferson 674
Hempstead 769
8:24 pm
9:42 pm
Port Jefferson 674
11:01 pm
Stony Brook
9:01 pm
Stewart Manor
3 h 16
2 changes
2 stops
Hempstead 771
Port Jefferson 1584
Port Jefferson 676
3 h 16
2 changes
2 stops
Hempstead 771
Port Jefferson 1584
Port Jefferson 676
Hempstead 771
9:05 pm
Floral Park
9:51 pm
Floral Park
Port Jefferson 1584
10:28 pm
11:42 pm
Port Jefferson 676
12:17 am
Stony Brook
11:07 pm
Stewart Manor
2 h 35
2 changes
2 stops
Hempstead 775
Port Jefferson 1592
Port Jefferson 600
2 h 35
2 changes
2 stops
Hempstead 775
Port Jefferson 1592
Port Jefferson 600
Hempstead 775
11:27 pm
11:46 pm
Port Jefferson 1592
12:35 am
1:07 am
Port Jefferson 600
1:42 am
Stony Brook

Travel time

Travel time between Stewart Manor and Stony Brook is 1h42